The desire. The exchange. The eagerness. The commonality.
The sharing. The figuring out. The attraction.
The familiarity. The mockery. The teasing. The laugh. The chuckle.
The invitation. The possibility. The anticipation.
The urge. The desire. The spontaneity. The adventure.
The craziness. The exuberance. The eagerness..
The hesitation overruled by eagerness.
The meeting point. The awkwardness. The smiles. The flippancy.
The nonchalance followed by silence. The attraction.
The familiarity. The exchange. The pleasantries.
The lethargy but the eagerness. The sleep deprivation but the eagerness.
The tad unfamiliarity overruled by familiarity.
The intrinsic. The humour.
The standstill. The moment. The very moment. The breath. The heartbeat.
The blood rushing to the head. The accelerating beat..
The skipped beat.
The bond. The sacredness. The jubilation. The oneness. The ONENESS.
The sleep. The safety. The feeling of coming home.
The electricity. The chemistry. The unknown. The known.
The lethargy. The eagerness. The attraction.
The hunger. The thirst. The eagerness.
The exchange.
The familiarity.
The meal. The glance. The exchange. The smiles.
The mockery. The humour. The attraction.
The connection. The warmth. The oneness.
The schedule.
The next day. The warmth. The oneness. The affectionate displays.
The shy ness. The surprise. The humour.
The mock argument. The mock disagreement. The understanding.
The negotiation.
The oneness.
The insanity. The exhilaration. The mischief. Oh, the mischief!
The look. The chemistry. The smile. The understanding.
The glance. The eagerness. The intoxication. The oneness.
The silence. The sacredness. The satisfaction. The contentment,
The glow. The aftermath of it. The smile. The satisfaction.
The exuberance. The alive ness.
The observation. The humour. The oneness.
The teasing. The teasing back. The oneness.
The adventure. The chemistry. The glance. The smile. The understanding.
The song. The other song. THE song. The dance. The final song.
The oneness.
The realization. The departure. The silence. The observation.
The smile. The understanding. The questioning look. The silence. The smile.
The silence. The surprise. The oneness.
The ONENESS. The heartbeat. The skipping of a beat.
The aftermath.
The oneness. The bliss. The ecstasy. The warmth. The crescendo.
The exultation. The possession. The intoxication. The aftermath.
The heartbeat. The silence.
The time. The slight trepidation. The silence.
The sudden eagerness. The want. The oneness.
The farewell. The final embrace. The final jest.
An eternity..into the unknown.
December 12, 2006
love this one, very nice.
thank u
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