Meanderings. Compassion. Connection. Empathy. Dawn. Dusk. Divine Intervention. Ironies. Incantations. Free Associations. Universal Energy. The Obscure. Cliches. Serendipity. First rays of the morning sun. Kaleidoscopes. Silver Jewellery. Surface Interests. Visual Imagery. Tranquil Spaces.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Turning 33 and grateful for all the precious gifts & countless blessings that have come my way..

For the numerous lessons learnt, re-learnt and learning
For the awareness that life is a learning curve, ever evolving
For the ability to appreciate the minutiae of each day
For spiritual guides and divine intervention
For compassion, love and kindness that encompasses all

For the strength to pick up the pieces, cradle, nurture and carry on
For speedy recovery and miraculous healing
For forgiveness and the ability to trust
For silver linings and eternal optimism
For connections and chance meetings

For eyes of wonder and curiosity of a child
For inner wisdom when all seems to fail
For the ability to seek, reflect and introspect
For suffering, for it has brought about integrity, courage and conviction
For each sensory organ that makes me feel 'alive'

Thank you. Universe.

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